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4:18 PG | 2 Cloud(s)
Mblaq picture Alhamdulillah ,hari nie tak busy bolehlah nak main2 ngan sudah terang lagi bersuluh aku nak bagi korang gambar MBLAQ.. hanya 20 gambr jer if korang nak banyak korunk inform kat comment box saya boleh tambah esok gmbr bigbang pulak khamis,jumaat,sabtu, saya akan bagi photo2 tertentu 1.Music Boy LIve in Obsolute Quality http://data.whicdn.com/images/23593098/tumblr_llpxbjIsR61qgsoyxo1_500_large.png 2.Mblaq hangul http://data.whicdn.com/images/23618064/tumblr_ly5h45WUs01rnbf4oo1_500_large.jpg 3.Joonie and Thunder http://data.whicdn.com/images/23592149/tumblr_lsb72z2XUh1r24lkmo1_500_large.jpg 4.MBLAQ peace http://data.whicdn.com/images/23580428/tumblr_lzo9h4Yfv11qa4od3o1_500_large.jpg 5.Seungho edited http://data.whicdn.com/images/23580325/tumblr_lmoxbkiYj91qgsoyxo1_500_thumb.png 6.G.o edited http://data.whicdn.com/images/23580292/tumblr_lmozgcZofR1qgsoyxo1_500_thumb.png 7.Joonie edited http://data.whicdn.com/images/23580313/tumblr_lmoxx7qQhi1qgsoyxo1_500_thumb.png 8.Thunder edited http://data.whicdn.com/images/23580301/tumblr_lmoz54y7Un1qgsoyxo1_500_thumb.png 9.Mir edited http://data.whicdn.com/images/23580308/tumblr_lmoyc7BiOM1qgsoyxo1_500_thumb.png Seungho MBLAQ http://data.whicdn.com/images/23487457/tumblr_lzduviW09z1qb53xjo1_500_thumb.png http://data.whicdn.com/images/23478913/317097_2611082715124_1196681738_3126001_1280140636_n_thumb.jpg 12 |
2 Ulasan:
hai dear, it is me fiffy. i honestly don't know how to teach u on how to create our own skin. u need some time for u to learn it. i take 2 years for me to learn, because i was always busy. hehe... since u r still a schooler, and u got some time to learn it. :) u may visit various site, do google anything u curious. u may also learn the codes from others skin. i suggest u to learn it through that. but first... study the easiest & simplest code first. i hope this help u!
and... omo!! u r an A+!!
it's okaty...but where you learn basic code
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